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Professional Help for College Funding and
Student Loan Repayment / Forgiveness


First Steps Student Loan Solutions is a full service student loan consulting agency providing guidance to parent plus borrowers, recent undergraduate borrowers, current or past graduate school borrowers and financial advisors, CPA's & other professionals working with student loan borrowers. We specialize in Pre-College Loan & Funding Plans & Post-College Development of individualized paths to student loan repayment or forgiveness. Pro-Active Student Loan Planning For The Best Outcomes!


Check out our resources including TikTok, with daily & weekly breaking

Student Loan News, Our FAQ Page

& Our Monthly Blog with more

in depth analysis of

Student Loan Questions & Solutions.


Click below to explore our consultation and package options to see what Student Loan services we can help you with.


My name is Lisa Gosweiler.  I am a mom of two (a recent college grad & a current college graduate student) and a wife of 27 years, married to my best friend and business partner. After 22 years as a pediatric physical therapist I moved into the college planning and loan space to help my own children plan and pay for their education, but I soon discovered how much I loved it.


I am passionate, dare I say even nerdy, about all things student loan and college financial planning.  It is time to get you on an individualized action plan to successfully navigate student loan pre-planning, repayment and forgiveness without the overwhelm.  I am a CSLP – Certified Student Loan Professional – and here to help you find your personal path to student loan debt freedom.


Why Choose Us

Whether you are a parent plus borrower, recent college graduate,  or a current or past graduate student, we can show you how to organize your initial college funding & decide on your best student loan repayment or forgiveness options after graduation.


Student Loan decisions can be an 'Eat that Frog' moment.


You keep putting it off and putting it off - wishing there was just some way to magically know what the right path is.  Worried you will make the wrong decision and that will negatively affect your financial future. 


Well, problem solved - at First Steps Services we can help you make the right decisions about repayment or forgiveness for your student loans from start to finish.

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